The Love that makes it worth it

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November 14, 2023 | Michael Schneeweis

When I was thirteen, I started smoking weed and drinking whiskey with my best friend who was a year older than me. We both had older brothers, and they both drank and did drugs. So we thought it was a decent idea.

I stopped doing drugs or drinking (beyond a glass here and there) when I was 17. I was on a deep search for meaning, and opted out of substance use in favor of Buddhist practice and mindfulness meditation.

My brother didn’t take that route—at least not then. By that point, he was hooked on opiates. He got sober in his twenties, and has remained so for that last 15 years.

There’s so much more to say. I’ll leave that for another letter.

But here’s a song about one facet of my experience with all of this—its called “The Love That Makes It Worth It.”


improvisation and structure


Don’t hide your love away